
Tungsten Hexafluoride

产品介绍 Product introduction

        六氟化钨,分子式为WF 6,分子量为297.830,沸点为17.5℃,熔点为2.3℃,室温下是一种无色气体,有强刺激性,有毒,毒性与氟相似。六氟化钨能溶于多数有机溶剂,遇水分解,在空气中被潮气分解而强烈冒烟。其化学性质活泼,几乎能和所有的金属(除金和铂)反应,对镍、蒙乃尔合金和不锈钢也有腐蚀性。在钨的氟化物中,六氟化钨是唯一稳定并被工业化生产的品种,其主要应用领域是在电子工业中作为金属钨化学气相沉积(CVD)工艺的原材料,特别是用它制成的WSi2可用作大规模集成电路(LSI)中的配线材料。
Tungsten hexafluoride is a kind of colorless gas at room temperature, it is strong pungent, toxic and similar to toxicity of fluorine, its molecular formula is WF6 and molecular weight is 297.830, boiling point is 17.5 ℃ and melting point is 2.3 ℃. Tungsten hexafluoride can be dissolved in organic solvents and decompose in water, it also decomposes by moisture in the air and then smokes strongly. Its chemical property is active, and it can react with almost all of metals (except gold and platinum) and corrode nickel, monel alloys and stainless steel. Tungsten hexafluoride is the only one produced steadily and industrially among the fluoride of tungsten, and it is used as the raw material of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process of tungsten in the electronic industry, which is its main application field. In particular, WSi2 made from WF6 can be used as wiring material in large scale integrated circuit (LSI).

产品指标 Quality specification

项目Items 单位Units 指标Index 指标Index 指标Index
氟化钨Tungsten hexafluoride≥ Vol.% 99.9 99.999 99.9995
四氟化碳Carbon tetrafluoride(CF4)≤ Vol.ppm 10 0.5 0.5
氮气Nitrogen(N2)≤ Vol.ppm 50 1 0.5
+氩Oxygen+ Argon(O2+Ar)≤ Vol.ppm 50 0.5 0.5
二氧化碳Carbon dioxide(CO2)≤ Vol.ppm - 0.5 0.5
一氧化碳Carbon monoxide(CO)≤ Vol.ppm - 0.5 0.5
氟化硫Sulfur hexafluoride(SF6)≤ Vol.ppm 10 0.5 0.5
四氟化硅Silicon tetrafluoride(SiF4)≤ Vol.ppm 10 0.5 0.5
氟化氢Hydrogen fluoride(HF)≤ Vol.ppm 800 1 1
项目items 单位units 指标index
钼Molybdenum(Mo μg/L 10
铁Iron(Fe μg/L 5
μg/L 5
钠Sodium(Na μg/L 5
铬Chromium(Cr μg/L 5
钍Thorium(Th μg/L 0.1
铀Uranium(U μg/L 0.05
μg/L 5
锰Manganese(Mn μg/L 5
铅Plumbum(Pb μg/L 5
锌Zinc(Zn μg/L 5
钙Calcium(Ca μg/L 5
μg/L 5
镍Nickel(Ni μg/L 10
铜Cuprum(Cu μg/L 5
铝Aluminum(Al μg/L 5
砷Arsenic(As μg/L 5
硼Boron(B μg/L 5
镉Cadmium(Cd μg/L 2
钛Titanium(Ti μg/L 5
锂Lithium(Li μg/L 5
硅Silicium(Si μg/L 5
磷Phosphorus(P μg/L 2

产品用途 Application

Tungsten hexafluoride can be used as the raw material of chemical vapor deposition (CVD) process of tungsten in the electronic industry, also can be used as semiconductor electrode and conductive paste. In addition, tungsten hexafluoride is widely used as fluridizer, polymerization catalyst and raw material of optical materials.

包装、贮存 Packaging and storage

Tungsten hexafluoride is stored in standard seamless cylinders, the packing specifications include 8L, 44L and 47L respectively. Specific packaging specifications can be customized according to user requirements. Tungsten hexafluoride is stored in a shady, dry and ventilated storeroom away from fire and heat source. The storage area shall be equipped with equipment for emergency.
