
Germanium Tetrafluoride

产品介绍 Product introduction

Germanium tetrafluoride (GeF4) is a kind of fluoride of germanium with molecular weight of 148.63, it is colorless gas with pungent odor of garlic, it reacts with water to generate a lot of white smoke in the air. Germanium tetrafluoride is stable at normal temperature and pressure, and it is hydrolyzed in water and with generation of GeO2 and H2GeF6. Germanium tetrafluoride is used for doping and ion implantation in the semiconductor industry. Combined with ethylsilane gas, germanium tetrafluoride can be used to produce Si-Ge microcrystals on glass substrates.

产品指标 Quality specification

项目Items 单位Units 指标Index
四氟化锗Germanium tetrafluoride(GeF4)≥ Vol.% 99.99
四氟化碳Carbon tetrafluoride(CF4)≤ Vol.ppm 10
氮气Nitrogen(N2)≤ Vol.ppm 10
氧+氩Oxygen+ Argon(O2+Ar))≤ Vol.ppm 20
一氧化碳Carbon monoxide(CO)≤ Vol.ppm 10
二氧化碳Carbon dioxide(CO2)≤ Vol.ppm 5
二氧化硫Sulfur dioxide(N2O)≤ Vol.ppm 10
氟化氢Hydrogen fluoride(HF)≤ Vol.ppm 35
铬Chromium(Cr)≤ ppmw 0.05
铁Iron(Fe)≤ ppmw 0.08
锰Manganese(Mn)≤ ppmw 0.01

产品用途 Application

Germanium tetrafluoride is used for doping and ion implantation in the semiconductor industry. Combined with ethylsilane gas, germanium tetrafluoride can be used to produce Si-Ge microcrystals on glass substrates. Germanium tetrafluoride can also be used to synthesize reagents in the chemical industry.

包装、贮存 Packaging and storage

        四氟化锗充装在钢质无缝气瓶中,钢瓶容积分别为2 L、5 L、8 L、10 L等。具体包装规格可根据用户需求定制更改。四氟化锗储存于阴凉、通风的库房,远离火种、热源。储区应备有泄漏应急处理设备。
Germanium tetrafluoride is stored in standard seamless cylinders, the packing specifications include 2L, 5L, 8L and 10L respectively. Specific packaging specifications can be customized according to user requirements. Germanium tetrafluoride is stored in a shady and ventilated storeroom away from fire and heat source. The storage area shall be equipped with equipment for emergency.
